Paul  held  senior  positions,  primarily  in  the  commercial  radio  sector  launching  and  running  several successful radio stations before becoming group commercial Director for Radio Investments Ltd.  

Having  started  as  a  sales  executive  in  1987,  he  has  worked  with  more  than  10,000  advertisers helping them to identify their core strengths, the  target markets that would most likely value what they had to offer and working with clients on a needs analysis to recommend campaigns that would maximise their return on investment.

In  2007,  he  graduated  from  the  University  of  Leicester  with  an  MBA.  This  puts  him  in  the  unique position  of  having  significant  levels  of  practical  business  experience  and  the  theoretical  knowledge taught at the world’s leading business schools which he shares with his clients.

Paul is passionate about helping entrepreneurial business owners by working closely with them on a one to one basis to effectively plan and grow their businesses through effective commercial projects.

Paul offers a unique approach to our clients by using his expertise in sales and business development to  help  them  evolve  successful  commercial  strategies  and  maximise  both  revenue  and  return  on investment.